Partnerwork and Pushing Hands
"You can find out more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation" - Plato
Pushing Hands is a term given to describe a whole range of partner exercises, both choreographed and freestyle and based on the martial art that is Tai Chi Chuan. These exercises, based on principles of softening, yielding, listening and following encourage you to respond to situations creatively and along the way find out a bit more about yourself.
Principles, Da Lu and Pushing Hands
Saturday 25 January Spreyton Village Hall
Saturday 29 March Spreyton Village Hall
Saturday 14 June Spreyton Village Hall
Saturday 27 September Spreyton Village Hall
Saturday 22 November Spreyton Village Hall
Pushing Hands is a term given to describe a whole range of partner exercises, both choreographed and freestyle and based on the martial art that is Tai Chi Chuan. These exercises, based on principles of softening, yielding, listening and following encourage you to respond to situations creatively and along the way find out a bit more about yourself.
Principles, Da Lu and Pushing Hands
Saturday 25 January Spreyton Village Hall
Saturday 29 March Spreyton Village Hall
Saturday 14 June Spreyton Village Hall
Saturday 27 September Spreyton Village Hall
Saturday 22 November Spreyton Village Hall